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The Glob studio

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About the creator

A bit bout me

So.. you want to know about me.

Well, how do I start, born just like any other, in a hospital with loving parents... into the comfy security of a middle-class Indian family.

Life again was not much different from most others. I shifted schools from christ to DPS to something I don't remember to Chaitanya. I used most of these shifts to create different personalities, maybe because I never felt like I fit in a defined clique, which is probably why I can empathize better with others.

Back to the story, just like any aspiring Indian kid, I wanted to write my jee and get into an IIT. Not cus I ever wanted to but because that's what society required from me.

Also along the way came a small exam called UCEED... and this is where the story gets interesting.

The exam enthralled me. It engaged me in a way like no other. I was never an artist, but this examination changed me. So in the eight days between my JEE main first attempt and the UCCED exam, I crammed. not cus I wanted to get in, but because the exam itself thrilled me.

After that, the rest is history. I made it here doing something that a short while ago I never knew was my true calling. IITg did a lot for me to expand my horizons, how I looked at life... and now I can honestly say I have a purpose. Even if I still don't have an identity. 

I guess that brings me here writing these lines... reminiscing.

I suppose life has a way of working out...


User research / User study,

Design Analysis and Evaluation,


Concept generation,

Low / High fidelity Wire-framing,




Animation (3D & 2D),

Motion Graphics ,

Website creation.


Adobe CC : Photoshop, Illustrator, After effects, XD, PremierePro *, MS Office

UI/UX : Figma, Jitter

Web development: Wix editor, WordPress*

3D : Blender, Spline, Spark AR

2D : Toon boom, Grease pencil (blender)* , Corel painter

Manu Parasuraman

© 2021 Glob. studo     ....nothings been trademarked yet

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