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UI/UX project
Self guided

The product

Stream share is a brand new application to facilitate easy exchange of streaming services between users. It aims to provide users with more options and more flexible rental options than those provided by the streaming services themselves.

Stream share also provides a deep library of information on all the available shows and movies so that people can make a more informed decision before renting a service.

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Interactive prototype

Feel free to interact with the prototype on the right.

An interactive prototype makes it easier to do primary user testing band gives insights early on in the designing process.


Design process

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Analysing the problem


User Survey (73)

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Creative Professional

Name: Ann Mary
Age: 27

Trivandrum, Kerala.

The casual streamer 

About:  Ann has a flexible work schedule that allows her more free time to watch shows.
She likes to keep up to date with the best shows but is annoyed as most shows are fragmented into different streaming services.

Goals: Wants to watch the best shows as it releases
              Wants flexibility in renting services and freedom                    to change freely

Characteristics: Not very finance headed
                                Messy and not organized.

Frustrations: Loses track of time and doesn't remember the show which she was watching

Has to ask to borrow her friends accounts when a new show premiers

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Card Sorting

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Lofi wireframes

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Colour Palette

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Login page

The login page is clean and simple

it resonates a sense of trust and security to the user, the darker monotone aesthetic also helps.

The logo is also plain showing two 'S' to remind users the name of the application

Signing in with google /faacebook is also possible

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iPhone 11 Pro Max Mockup-6.png

Home/Discover page

The homepage is designed to provide maximum information and functionality while not being too confusing.

Search  and filter buttons on top 

Tabs can be scrolled horizontally orexpanded using the more option
Clicking on a tab will expand the selected tab to a fullscreen window with more information.

Quick access buttons on the bottom

Bottom menu to navigate between the four main pages.


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Show info page

This page expands from the discover page,
it shows all relevant details about the show including

Number of seasons
Release date
Last epesode
Streaming service

Trailer or a video clip can be played by clicking the top banner

Related  Shows / movies shown at the bottom

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Rent page

This page shows all the available streaming services that can be rented

Three subtabs tabs exist

Rent (default)
Share (rent out your streaming service)
Trade (with friends for no cost) 

Filter options is given in top

All available trades have information on its cost, rent duration, and weather trading is allowed.

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Share page

This page allows you to put up your service to be rented by others.

Quick input options are provided with visual aids to recognize streaming services.

Mail shortcuts to reduce input time


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iPhone 11 Pro Max Mockup-4.png

Bookmark page

This page allows you to view your bookmarked movies and shows

You can also add bookmarks to episodes of shows so that you can start exactly where you left off.

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© 2021 Glob. studo     ....nothings been trademarked yet

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